About us

Elisian Limited has a long history back to 2005 when we started working in the Process Sector offering a digital logbook solution to cater for shift handovers and task management, with the view of providing the duty holder of an asset with visibility over key operational activities.

Since then Elisian have developed a range of solutions that have grown significantly in size and importance to our customers as we have delivered many key modules in support of assurance and compliance processes around an asset.

Site Safety

Process Safety



  • Handovers
  • Events
  • Actions
  • Upsets
  • Assurance Tasks
  • Communications
  • Risk Assessments
  • Management of Change
  • Asbestos Register
  • Chemistry
  • Process Safety Overrides
  • Locked Valve Manager
  • Risk Assessments
  • Management of Change
  • Joint Integrity Management
  • Temporary Portable Equipment
  • Lubrication
  • Critical Equipment
  • Insultation Management

Site Safety

Within eLogbook there are several modules that support site safety, be it through the use of tracking all events and actions that take place during both shift and trip handovers or ensuring that reminders and notifications are visible and actioned as required.

One of the key modules used within site safety is the communications tracking module that allows the asset owner to publish material to an audience and track the understanding and acknowledgement by the audience from a compliance point of view.

Process Safety

Process safety is an important aspect when both personnel and assets are at use in performing the operations that are core to the business processes. The asset owner needs to be aware of the respective controls and assessments that are in place in order for such operational activities to take place.

One of the key modules used within process safety is the asbestos module that allows an asset owner to identify, monitor and share information in a graphical manner to all staff and contractors involved in the asset.


Asset integrity is critical to the safe operation and performance of an asset, eLogbook supports this by ensuring that all processes that require intervention are managed with the correct level of change and risk assessment.

One of the key modules used within integrity within the processing of liquids and gases if the joint integrity module which supports the identification and tracking of joints under maintenance.


Process safety is an important aspect when both personnel and assets are at use in performing the operations that are core to the business processes. The asset owner needs to be aware of the respective controls and assessments that are in place in order for such operational activities to take place.

One of the key modules used within process safety is the asbestos module that allows an asset owner to identify, monitor and share information in a graphical manner to all staff and contractors involved in the asset.

Roles we support in your organisation

Within our suite of solutions we cater for specific organisational roles that have responsibility over assurance and compliance across your respective assets

Estates Director
HSE Director
Facilities Manager
Compliance Manager
Technical Assurance Manager
Asset Integrity Manager


Elisian are focused on providing services for our customers to ensure compliance and process improvements through our software solutions. Elisian are dedicated to providing solutions that meet your specific needs using project methodologies and development frameworks that cater for flexibility and customisations to the product set.


The implementation of the solution is the most important aspect of the lifecycle to ensure that the solution meets the needs of the business.


Ensuring that the training delivers the correct message is key to the final implementation of Logbook

Cost effective

As part of the project definition, the project budget is tracked and visible throughout the implementation


During and after the delivery of the solution support is provided for every step to ensure all parties agree on each phase of the project


Drawing on the experience of several customer engagements enables Elisian consultants to guide the customer through the aspects of Logbook


The delivery of the final solution is provided with hyper care support to ensure a professional transition into production

Why choose us?

Elisian believe in providing quality solutions that surpass the expectations of the client and open up new opportunities for innovation and efficiencies.


As an ISO 9001:2015 certified organisation, quality is at the heart of everything we do at Elisian

International footprint

We work with clients across the world and support strategic plans of our clients in doing so


Working closely with our partners enables integration of businesses and technology supporting innovation


Years supporting clients


Software modules


Data centres


Countries supported

Contact Us

Cobalt 3.1, Silver fox Way, Cobalt Business Park, Newcastle, NE27 0QJ


+44 7516 978666